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Programme News

Explanatory Note on the eligibility of cost and final reporting deadlines within Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine 2014-2020 ENI CBC Programme


The Managing Authority of the Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine 2014-2020 ENI CBC Programme, in collaboration with the Joint Secretariat, has established a transparent process for the closure of the Programme. This involves clearly defined responsibilities and an estimated timeframe to ensure a seamless conclusion in accordance with the relevant regulations.

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Deadline extension for the First Call for Proposals within INTERREG VI-A NEXT Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine 2021-2027 Programme


The Joint Secretariat (JS) of the Interreg VI-A NEXT Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine Programme is pleased to announce extension of the 1st Call for Proposals within the Programme! The new deadline for submission of Small-scale Projects and Regular-Scale Projects without infrastructure budget line applications is 20 February 2024 Central European Time (CET).



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Extension of deadline for the Call of Assessors within Interreg VI-A NEXT Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine Programme


The Joint Secretariat of Interreg VI-A NEXT Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine Programme is pleased to provide an important update regarding the ongoing Call for Assessors for the Programme. In the commitment to ensuring a comprehensive and diverse selection, the deadline for submitting applications has been extended. The new deadline for the Call for Assessors is 20 January 2024.

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Workshop on project implementation for Hungarian beneficiaries


The Joint Technical Secretariat of the Programme in cooperation with the Hungarian first level control body is organizing an online workshop for the Hungarian Beneficiaries of all projects granted under the Programme on the 10th of November, 2021.



On-line training for Ukrainian beneficiaries


The Joint Technical Secretariat is organizing on-line training for Ukrainian Beneficiaries  on November 11, 2021. The purpose of the training is to increase awareness of the project implementation, clarify the rules for reporting and enlarge on the questions of the public procurement.  

Project News

Final conference of the project “Zero Waste: Theory for Everybody, Practice for Everyone in the Cross-Border Region”


On 18 December, the final conference of the project HUSKROUA/1701/LIP/006 “Zero Waste: Theory for Everybody, Practice for Everyone in the Cross-Border Region”, implemented under the European Neighbourhood Instrument's Cross-border Cooperation Programme Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine 2014-2020, took place in the village of Janosi, Ukraine.

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Procurement Notice of open tender launched by the “Agency for sustainable development of the Carpathian region “FORZA” within the HUSKROUA/1701/LIP/009 "Roads to healthy forests" project


Agency for sustainable development of the Carpathian region “FORZA” - Ukrainian Beneficiary of the "Roads to healthy forests: resilient, adaptive, diverse and sustainable forests in the cross-border region of Ukraine and Slovakia", HUSKROUA/1701/LIP/009 project, announced the open tender for the construction of Administrative-office building of the “Forest and Climate” Demonstration and Education Center.

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