The catchment area of Upper-Tisza region, the River Tisza and its tributaries in Ukraine, Romania and Hungary represent a significant natural value in Europe, with many natural habitats and species of community importance. The effects of activities in the river basin threaten both natural habitats and aquatic life. One of the main goals of the project is to gain knowledge on the water quality and ecological status of the Upper Tisza and its tributaries. The ecological assessment is done according to the EU Water Framework Directive. The results can be used to develop the common River Basin Management Plan for the Danube River Basin. On the basis of the results of the assessment carried out, adequate frequency and density monitoring could be plan for the future to follow the changes in water quality and ecological state.
The action program can be a tool for competent authorities to take measures against polluting sources. To achieve the good ecological state of the rivers contributes to increasing the tourist attractiveness of the area, to safe water use (drinking water, irrigation, etc.). The long-term preservation of the highly valued natural habitats of the project area and their organic ecosystems at European level, ensuring their interoperability is possible only on the basis of a common approach based on a single, cross-border, integrated nature conservation policy.
76,517.49 €
48,492.90 €