According to the Integrated Tisza River Basin Management Plan (ITRBMP), approved at ministerial level, the risk of accidental pollution due to mining is much higher in the Tisza River Basin as compared with the Danube River Basin.
Serious environmental impact affecting Tisza River were caused by the salt mine disaster in Solotvyno in 2008 meaning that the salt content in the river reached contamination value ten times over the average level.
Beside the salt contamination that pollutes the ground and surface waters, the collapsing mine shafts imply continuous danger to human lives and cascading effects.
For the full exploration of the problems two EU missions (2016) have been organized in order to conduct a comprehensive risk assessment at the target area. The Report contains recommendations for environmental actions.
The REVITAL I is the first activity that aims gradually bringing the environmental proposals into practice. The main goal of the REVITAL I. is to set the foundation for the establishment of the revitalization process of the Solotvyno mine and surrounding area through deepened cross- border cooperation. 3 specific objectives are identified: 1. to examine and evaluate the current environmental state of the Solotvyno salt mine and its wider surroundings with the aid of the innovative technology, 2. to set up an investigative monitoring and to prepare a future complex monitoring system for tracking the surface and near subsurface water qualitative and quantitative changes and the soil movements. 3. to raise awareness and promote the results of the project on different levels.
This is important not only for the locals, but due to the nature of the problem, also for the settlements along the River Tisza in all the four countries. The project will also raft Strategic Concept Note, a document with analysis and recommendations for future measures for all level decision making.
67,507.88 €
56,613.22 €